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It All Starts With the Grip

I decided to give my on camera prowess a go today and talk about an awesome squat grip.  It’s a thumbless, pinkyless grip that I’ve seen great results with.  I learned this from a strength coach that I used to work under who currently trains at Tampa Barbell.  I suggest giving this a shot if your shoulder and t-spine mobility is as bad as a T-Rex. Lay off me about my on camera ridiculousness; I felt like Ricky Bobby, wasn’t quite sure what to do with my hands. 

[vsw id="EsoWv6qwZ7c&feature=autoplay&list=UUKSYQ75Buogznl62rdbks2Q&lf=plcp&playnext=1" source="youtube" width="425" height="344" autoplay="no"]

 On another note, I am preparing for my first geared (single-ply) meet in April.  In all my other competitions I have competed raw and really had no idea how different lifting in gear would be.  I got my bench shirt in the mail the other day and decided to try it out.  Needless to say, it was rough.  And after trying it out I don’t want to ever hear people say using gear is easier, it’s not.  Out of all the things I’ve done in the weight room it was by far the hardest and most taxing.  My bench shirt repeated yelled at me, “I PWN NOOBS”.  Check out the video of my epic fail; couldn’t even get it to my chest.

[vsw id="0TQ5LNXlvMM&list=UUKSYQ75Buogznl62rdbks2Q&index=1&feature=plcp" source="youtube" width="425" height="344" autoplay="no"]